voiceless graphic

web design


Vocal cord paralysis is a condition where one or both of one's vocal cords become paralyzed. It leads to symptoms like a very narrow airway, trouble swallowing, and a soft voice. However, it's hard to realize someone struggles with it until told, and even then, it's easy for others to forget and expect things outside of others' limits.


On top of my own experience with vocal cord paralysis, I looked into others' experiences to see what they struggled with the most. I also looked into the medical side of things to find resources for people looking to learn more about it condition.


Using my experience and the research, I listed out what aspects I felt were most important to touch on, and broke down the lines of the personal experience to match them up with medical facts for the tabs along the side. From there I started sketching out what kind of graphics would go with them.

Click on images to scroll through full sizes.

voiceless on a laptop screen preview of voiceless preview of voiceless preview of voiceless


This project aims to spread awareness of the condition itself while showing how frustrating an invisible condition can be. I added a "scribble" element to photos around the areas that vocal cord paralysis affects and slowly filled the background of the sections of the page with the scribble as well to show how the condition itself can quickly become overwhelming. The scribbles along with the personal account solidify the frustrated feeling throughout. The tabs along the side slide out to display medical information about vocal cord paralysis.